Things Sure Have Changed...

Evolution of the Texas Cottage Food Law

Prior to 2011, it was illegal to sell any food made in a home kitchen. 

The Texas Cottage Food Law has changed significantly since its first passage.


The first cottage food law passed in a late-session Hail Mary legislative maneuver, facing extreme opposition from health departments and city governments.


This time, the retailers came out in force against homemade food producers.  Grassroots work was critical to pass HB 970. This bill significantly expanded the 2011 legislation.


SB 572 was a bipartisan bill with nearly unanimous legislative support. 

These laws would not have passed without the dedication of Representative Dan Gattis, Representative Eddie Rodriguez, and Senator Lois Kolkhorst. The homemade food producers of Texas owe a debt of gratitude to these courageous legislators. 

Special thanks to the Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance for making Texas cottage foods a legislative priority. 

More questions about your cottage food business?  Check out the law summary, the FAQ, and the getting started checklist!